Animated drawing of my fursonas Hender (1st from left), Noggy (2nd), Hakiya (3rd) and Jacky (4th) waving to the reader

Fixing "Pixel Format Not Accelerated" error on Minecraft

One of the reasons why this error happens is a conflict between Intel integrated graphics video driver, Java 8 and Windows 10. Minecraft doesn't use Java 8 since Minecraft 1.17, making this problem only affect players of older versions of the game. To fix it, you need to use a specific older Java version.

Download Java 8 Update 51 clicking here. The Java SE 8 Archive Downloads website requires registration - as such, you may want to download it from this repository I made on Internet Archive. Download the tar.gz package (not the installer!) for your specific Windows architecture, 32-bit or 64-bit.

Extract the compressed file to a folder of your choice, since you will need to keep it. Now, configure your Minecraft launcher to use it instead of the default Java binaries you have installed. This procedure varies from launcher to launcher, but I can give an example for Betacraft: click on Edit instance, Java executable, Browse, navigate to the Java folder you extracted, then bin, javaw.exe. Save changes clicking on OK.

Betacraft's instace settings window

This way, the error is gone.