Animated drawing of my fursonas Hender (1st from left), Noggy (2nd), Hakiya (3rd) and Jacky (4th) waving to the reader

Personal experiences on first trip with friends

A month ago I traveled alone for the first time, to a near city where two friends of mine live. Together with them, another friend of ours, from another region, came. We spent a weekend, and boy, it was amazing.

I still miss this trip. I never had true friends in real life, only school classmates. I've always been shy, most of the times they were respectful with me, but I never got someone to tell secrets, for example. Only at the end of school I managed to develop a greater bond with two colleagues, one of them for a common hobby (Formula One) and the other for simply being a great friend, being the first that I felt comfortable telling a very personal secret.

Getting back to the trip, the penny only dropped in the middle of the weekend. We laugh a lot, played a lot of games, went out to eat, play and buy gifts. We endured a lot of heat (heat wave joined the game), but we were fine. I will never forget one of my friends yelling a lot at the amusement park.

Returning home was sad, seeing them through the bus window, trying not to cry when saying goodbye. Happily it was rainy, the night started with a cloudy sky while I was listening to my playlist. There's no better weather.

We plan to travel more often. Can't wait for the next time!